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This spring has been really crazy but I’m getting back on schedule with my ordering and products. Becoming more inspired every day there’s some sunshine.

The IPSY merger with Boxycharm resulted in some very late deliveries, so I unfortunately had to skip April and jump right to May’s stuff. I’ll probably put some of April’s honorable mentions with the May posts though because I did get some excellent things, just not in time to do anything really in-depth.

I had my annual performance review a few weeks ago and got high enough marks to ask for and receive a raise. I was really excited about it, I felt the appreciation. But I work so hard an so much, I feel like I don’t have much time anymore for anything chill.

So I canceled my Kinder Beauty Box Subscription, and am redoing my budget because my living situation is changing slightly. I need to get all this buying under control, so I think I’ll just keep IPSY right now and leave the other boxes alone and just review the products I’m receiving from IPSY. Every few months I’ll get an ICON box and I’ll have more to write about.

I have the apartment to myself for a few hours today, so I spent my time sweeping, washing my makeup brushes, decluttering my collection, organizing my vanity, and sweeping. I feel so much better. 

I’m having such a great time testing out all these products I got in my ICON box – I’m about to get started putting my thoughts in a post. My skin has finally healed up from the picking a few weekends ago. It was really bad, and it stayed red and blotchy for a long time. I did a good job stopping though.

The cafe near my job just remodeled and I’m planning to spend some time there after work today 🙂 I can feel another large writing project coming on as the weather gets nice again. Something about sunshine makes me want to sit by the window and express – something. Anything. 

We’ll call April a missed opportunity and move on to the real spring – I don’t know what to do with myself when it rains anyway 😛

See you in the May posts!

Dani <3

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