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  • Twenty-Five Driving Part Two

    My boyfriend has a disease that causes him a lot of pain and discomfort and inconvenience. Sometimes he would cancel plans because he was in too much pain, or didn’t feel like making the drive down to see me if we had plans.  This man is the most amazing person, and I look up to…


  • Twenty-Five Driving Part One

     I got my license when I was twenty-five years old. I got my first learner’s permit, my high school graduation went by, my second learner’s permit, then my marriage, part-time jobs, a move, full-time jobs, a divorce, a new apartment, a new learner’s permit, a pandemic, my first independent apartment, and still no driver’s license.…


  • June BoxBattle!

     Hi all!  This is going to be a monthly post comparing any beauty boxes I receive and try out. Right now I only have two beauty subscription boxes, IPSY and BoxyCharm, but eventually I’d like to get a few more. I won’t probably go super in-depth in these posts because I lay everything out in…


  • BoxyCharm June 2022 Review

     Ok so I received my BoxyCharm for this month and need to talk about it, so just gonna jump in. I’ve only received a few BoxyCharm boxes since I’ve been into makeup and I didn’t like them as much as IPSY, so I only just resubscribed to continue reviewing and trying new things. Honestly I’ve…


  • Drawing Lines

     I have been working in retail for over a decade now, and today is the first time I have stood up to a customer in any real sense and denied them service. It’s sad to me that it’s such an intense feeling, because I can remember a lot of times I should have. And I…


  • My Planner and my Stickers and my Colored Pens

     I did not have to try very hard in school and never learned how to keep myself organized. Even in classes where I struggled, there was always extra credit, there was always something I could do. But I didn’t challenge myself, it was more just mindless busywork. Lots of words on a page that sounded…


  • June Glam Bag Plus and Add-On Review

     The June Glam Bag came in from IPSY! And we have a lot to talk about. I’ve been an IPSY subscriber on and off for several years, but this is honestly the best box yet in my opinion. First off, since I added a bunch of extra products to this box, my total ended up…


  • Insensitive Skin

    I have a type of acne called milia. Some people know it as pearl acne, because when they’re extracted instead of being all like … gross … they’re just little pearl-like balls. They’re technically bubbles of keratin that collect underneath layers of the skin but not specifically inside your pores, which means they don’t have…


  • Intro

        I’ve struggled with a skin-picking problem since I was tall enough to look over the sink into the bathroom mirror – and I have memories of pulling a chair up to get closer, so it might have started before I can even remember. I thought for a long time that it could be my…